Creative Consulting & Coaching
Portfolio Review
Mentorship Program
Darkroom Rental
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photo by Paulo Steve Diniz
About Brittany Markert
Brittany Markert (b. 1987) moved to New York in 2012 with two suitcases and enrolled in a traditional darkroom photography class on the first day. By 2014, she gained two prominent art collectors and an art dealer. In 2015, she turned her artistic practice into a full time business practice with the help of Feldschuh Gallery that sustained both her artistic endeavors and livelihood. With a mathematics background, she combined her love of numbers and problem solving to overtake the business in 2016 and become completely self sufficient after moving to New Orleans.
Brittany approaches creativity holistically with intention and sensitivity. She believes each artist has a unique inner voice to discover and develop through their artwork and deserves to survive and thrive through their business practice.
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